I have fallen woefully behind in posting updates to this blog. I’m happy to report it’s for the most excellent of reasons.
Shortly after I posted last, I was contacted by a recruiter about a job with a large local hospital network. It took a while to get through the rounds of interviews, get and accept the job offer, and get on-boarded. But it all worked out, and I just finished my third week at my new digs.
I am, as some people say, happy as a pig in slop. (Isn’t that a mental image? LOL) The Mister says he hasn’t seen me this excited and animated about work in a long time. This is exactly the kind of position I dreamed about and worked so hard on my master’s degree for. I feel a bit like Melanie Griffith at the end of Working Girl. Though my new workspace is “Apple-esque” (read: open office concept) instead of an office with a door. Though not my preferred environment, it’s a minor gripe, especially compared to all the awesome things about my new job.
My new group functions as a technology think tank for the network. I’m a program manager, which really means I project manage a bunch of related projects that make up a program. We’re looking into all the ways we can extend care from our physicians and hospitals into the digital space through mobile and web technology and such. It’s really exciting, and though I have a lot to learn about project management, the team is fantastic and incredibly supportive.
So I’ve been learning to navigate downtown Dallas and Central Expressway, and parking downtown means I’m walking almost twice as much for my routine activities than I used to. So of course, my body thinks I’m punishing it, and the fibro is trying to fight back. Most evenings I crash, and right now my weekend activities are limited to one physical or outside the house activity and the rest of the weekend is resting and recuperating to do it all again the next week. I believe I’ll adjust to the increased activity and be able to start doing more things, but I’m listening to my body and resting when I need to so I can be effective at work. The Mister is awesome about looking after dinner and other things that have to be done, which is awesome.