When last we left our heroine, she was ranting about politics and getting settled in a new job. Let’s peek in and see how she’s doing… Things are good in the land of the AntiChick. Work is going well, married life suits me, those in my family are all doing well. I’m adjusting to living …
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Politics as usual
I didn’t get a chance to watch President Obama’s State of the Union address live last night. As with so much of my news, I read it online. I just read the transcript of the SotU address, and I continue to be impressed with President Obama. He took an opportunity to make his last SotU …
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Interviewing is like dating
Dating is a necessary evil when trying to find someone you want to be with the rest of your life. It’s not always awful, sometimes it’s a lot of fun, but mostly it’s stressful and sometimes it’s flat out awful. Interviewing is a lot like that. First there’s all the people who don’t bother to …
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Wedded bliss
So this happened. I’ve gotten married three times now. (Third time’s the charm, right?) It’s interesting to compare the three events, at different stages of my life. None of them have worked out the way they were supposed to. This ceremony was supposed to be a big church wedding with a fabulous reception, in July. …
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Nest isn’t empty yet
My daughter is now 18, and says she’s not a Munchkin anymore. But, since I only was blessed with the one kiddo, she’s Munchkin forever in my book. She’s really a great kid, for which I’m grateful. I don’t know how I’d have parented a problem child. She’s been a good student (graduated Magna Cum …
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Good enough
I finished the last assignment for my last course of the summer semester in my graduate program. I struggled with letting it go and calling it done, because I knew I could have done better. I’d met most of the requirements for the assignment, a certain number of posts to a discussion group, but hadn’t …
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Wait, I’m an adult?
I’ll be 46 this year. I have to pause to let that sink in. I don’t feel that old. I wonder sometimes how many other people feel like they are perpetually 17. You remember, that time when you weren’t really a kid anymore, but you weren’t really an adult? When everyone around you seemed smarter, …
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Blank Slate
There’s nothing like sitting down to a fresh, clean piece of paper and starting a project. Everything is possible, the world is at your feet. Once a mark is made, it’s a choice, and the project will never be pristine again. In an insomnia-fueled late night introspective fit, I decided to wipe all my blogs …
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