Last week, I got an alert that a WordPress update had failed on this blog space. When I went to fix it, I was shocked to see that I hadn’t written anything in almost 3 years.
The last life update was when The Mister and I moved 5 years ago, which is poetic since we recently moved again. We were in a rental for 5 years and finally decided to buy a house in the general area we’d been renting in. October seems to be the month I buy or move houses. Some 15 years ago (ish) I bought my first house with Ex #2 in October (moved in November.)
A lot has happened in the time I’ve been silent here. I’ll write more in-depth about most of these, but here’s the list:
- We had a pandemic. Which isn’t technically over, but it’s endemic now, and this particular post isn’t intended to be political (not that medicine should BE political, but that’s where we are now.)
- I, along with many other people, started working from home, and I’m lucky I’ve not had to go back to the office since. (I initially didn’t think I’d like total WFH but given other things I’m about to list, it’s been a blessing.)
- My autoimmune arthritis returned and brought friends to the party. I now have several disabling conditions. Many of them, I’ve had symptoms to varying degrees most of my life, but they’ve reached the point I can’t ignore them anymore. There may be a single root cause, as they tend to travel in packs, but science hasn’t sussed it all out yet.
- My Munchkin got married to a lovely young man.
- Said Munchkin later (much later, it was NOT a shotgun marriage) produced the most gorgeous grandbaby on the planet. So I probably ought to call her something else, but she will always be my Munchkin. Grandbaby has been nicknamed grandmonster, and he’s coming up on 2 now, and he’s amazing. I love being a MeeMaw (the Mister is PopPop.)
- The Mister and I got involved in the SCA, which is a worldwide medieval re-enactment group, and we very much enjoy it.
- My job at a local healthcare system, that I really loved, got pretty toxic after a new Director was brought in. I ended up having to first take a leave of absence when my migraine disorder got out of control, and then leave because of the toxicity. (My wonderful primary doc worked with me to change some meds, and I did some therapy with my amazing therapist and found a new job, and my attacks are back to my baseline now.)
- Oh, yeah, and I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Thankfully VERY early cancer, caught with routine mammograms (EVERYONE who should be getting them, this is your sign to schedule yours if you’re due or overdue) and my treatment course was short and relatively easy, and I’m in remission. (Of course that was DURING all of the toxic work situation, so that wasn’t fun.) And I caught the ‘vid for the first time during the treatment, so ick.
- But, I was incredibly fortunate to get an offer for a job doing what I love (data governance) at a world-renowned research medical center remotely. My new boss is awesome, my team is amazing, and I’m very happy there.
I think that’s all the major plot points. If I think of more, I’ll certainly write about it.
Because I’ve determined with all the upheaval in the country and my very big feelings about it since Nov 4, that writing is my therapy, and I’ve missed it. I’ve started writing on Medium when I have something I’d like to actually try to get to a wider audience. I’ll try to remember to link those over here as well. They probably won’t usually be new to anyone following along here, since I am likely to workshop concepts here before I write a formal article or essay. But, if you’re reading here, you have some kind of interest in my life and/or what I have to say.
So welcome to the rollercoaster, please remain seated with all your appendages inside the car at all times, and do not stand up until the plane comes to a complete stop at the gate.
Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!
-William S. Preston, Esq. & Theodore Logan