Body Positivity and WLS

Picture from the No Body Shame website I have previously talked about my struggle with the cognitive dissonance between wanting to support/promote/embody body positivity even though I have had WLS.  Cognitive Dissonance My news feed this morning sent me to Dances With Fat, specifically to a post talking about not allowing weight loss talk in …
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WLS and Health Update

  <— this pic is where I started this pic is where I am now –> I actually started this post back in March, when I was 7 months post-op.  Work, grad school (#gradSchoolSucks btw), family issues, etc. derailed my good intentions to start writing regularly again. May 17 was my 9 month anniversary of …
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What’s in a name?

In my last post, I referenced my autoimmune disorder as ‘rheumatoid disease’ (RD) instead of calling it psoriatic arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.  I’m going to continue using the terms autoimmune disorder (AI) or rheumatoid disease (RD) instead of PsA or RA because it better describes the disease process instead of just one of the symptoms. …
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End of the year rush

I know it’s been weeks since I posted anything on this blog. The end of the year is always a bit of a blur for me, and this year is no different. Mea cupla. Halloween rushes into Thanksgiving, and then there’s a rush of birthdays and anniversaries for me before Yule gets here. Add in …
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Intuitive eating and WLS

So for the past few weeks I’ve been struggling with how intuitive eating does or does not fit with weight loss surgery.  I don’t have a healthy relationship with food to start with, so I’m admittedly at a disadvantage.  We grow up with certain foods being labeled as “bad” and “good”, and some foods being …
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