Level 10 Life Update

It’s been a little over a year since I started tracking my “Level 10 Life” and I thought it was time for an update. I think I’ve been improving my life in the last year, so it’s interesting to see it graphically represented.

Companions – My goal this year was to cultivate closer relationships with my core group of companions. Between #gradSchoolSucks, chronic illness, weight loss surgery, and other demands on my time, I haven’t spent as much time with the people I care about but I think it’s been a little better. Progress, not perfection, right?

Romance – The Mister continues to be the most awesome mate for me. We had our first real honest to goodness fight recently, and I’m frankly impressed with the way we recovered from it. I have never been with anyone where we were able to be painfully open and honest about the things that drove the fight (because it’s rarely about whatever the fight was about) and end up closer as a result. He’s awesome, and we’re awesome together.

Health – I did one of the best things I have ever done for my health last year, with the weight loss surgery. I’ve had some rough spots since health-wise but it remains a really good decision, I think. I’m able to move easier than I could last year and I just overall feel better, even when my chronic illnesses are fighting me. I gave myself credit for that, but there’s still a lot to be done. I just signed up with Good Measures which provides consultation with Registered Dieticians who are experienced with bariatric patients. Had my first consult this morning, and am really feeling good about this step as well. My goals for the next year are to improve the quality and variety of my diet, and get back to working out reguarly (including weights) so I also need to get enough protein in to support muscle gain.

Environment – We’ve de-cluttered quite a bit, even though you can’t tell right now from all the boxes piled up in my front room right now. I haven’t posted about it here, but Munchkin ended up moving home after the roommate situation went WAY south. She’ll be here for a year or so pursuing her career goals and building up a financial reserve for her next foray into independence. So a lot of the decluttering and home maintenance has gotten set aside, but there’s still some improvement.

Career – I’ve been increasing my responsibility and skill set at work, and will graduate this December with my master’s, so I’m doing good in this arena. Next year will be focused on finding the next job, if that’s in the cards.

Finances – Haven’t managed many of the financial goals, but we did buy The Mister a used truck for cash, and paid off my jalopy. We’re doing better than just treading water, but there’s still a long way to go on this. Re-committing to YNAB again.

Personal Growth – This is completely stagnated while #gradSchoolSucks. I don’t have the bandwidth to do much here. I do want to start journaling regularly again, and grad school ends in December, so that’ll be when I can really start moving on this area again.

Spirituality – Pretty much the same response as for Personal Growth. Not a lot of time to focus on this.

Recreation – Ditto.

Giving – I’m still medic-ing for the derby league, and really enjoy that. Nothing else has really changed, but as with Personal Growth/Spirituality/Recreation, 2018 will be my year!

So in summary, some forward progress in the areas I prioritized this year through WLS and Spoonie Life, and still lots of room for improvement.