Well, it finally happened. Munchkin has flown the coop. Shortly before Thanksgiving last year, Munchkin’s dad (Ex#1) passed away after long-standing health issues. As she dealt with cleaning out his hoard (seriously, I’d forgotten how much stuff that man could cram into a closet) she decided she would keep the lease on his duplex and …
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Category:Personal Growth
End of Year Musings
Well, 2016 is finally winding to a close. My friends who are into numerology tell me that 2016 is a “9” year, one of endings and closure. They say that 2017 is a “1” year of new beginnings. I hope that’s true. Because while there have been good things that have happened for me in …
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End of the year rush
I know it’s been weeks since I posted anything on this blog. The end of the year is always a bit of a blur for me, and this year is no different. Mea cupla. Halloween rushes into Thanksgiving, and then there’s a rush of birthdays and anniversaries for me before Yule gets here. Add in …
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With hearts too heavy
Your heart is too heavy from things you carry a long time, You been up you been down, tired and you don’t know why, — Matisyahu, Live Like a Warrior You can count me among the millions of sad, scared people this week. My Facebook feed is mostly split between two groups this week: those …
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Life changes and other musings
Wow. Over a month since I’ve posted anything. I plead life changes, grad school, work, and illness as excuses. Life is beginning to look a LOT different than it did pre-op. I’ll post more on that later. It’s interesting to me how we define moments as life-changing. Life before this event and life after this …
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Imposter Syndrome
As happens around my house, a conversation with my husband about a weird dream I had turned into a deep conversation about “imposter syndrome”. I’ve suffered from this most of my life and am only now starting to have any real confidence in myself professionally. Anyone who knows me has heard tales of the multiple jobs …
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Kaizen, Work, and Life
I used to love Tony Robbins, reading his books and watching his shows. I still think he’s awesome, but hadn’t thought much about him until this past week. One of the things he promotes is from the Japanese concept of ‘Kaizen’ which in simple terms is to commit to constant improvement in whatever you’re trying …
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Level 10 Life
As part of my foray into bullet journaling, I ran across some people doing “Level 10 Life” in their journals. This intrigued me, so I started researching it. From what I was able to find, it started with the “Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod. I’ve borrowed one of his books available on my Kindle and …
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Checking in
When last we left our heroine, she was ranting about politics and getting settled in a new job. Let’s peek in and see how she’s doing… Things are good in the land of the AntiChick. Work is going well, married life suits me, those in my family are all doing well. I’m adjusting to living …
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Politics as usual
I didn’t get a chance to watch President Obama’s State of the Union address live last night. As with so much of my news, I read it online. I just read the transcript of the SotU address, and I continue to be impressed with President Obama. He took an opportunity to make his last SotU …
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