Empty nest… finally.

Well, it finally happened.  Munchkin has flown the coop. Shortly before Thanksgiving last year, Munchkin’s dad (Ex#1) passed away after long-standing health issues.  As she dealt with cleaning out his hoard (seriously, I’d forgotten how much stuff that man could cram into a closet) she decided she would keep the lease on his duplex and …
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End of the year rush

I know it’s been weeks since I posted anything on this blog. The end of the year is always a bit of a blur for me, and this year is no different. Mea cupla. Halloween rushes into Thanksgiving, and then there’s a rush of birthdays and anniversaries for me before Yule gets here. Add in …
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Life changes and other musings

Wow. Over a month since I’ve posted anything. I plead life changes, grad school, work, and illness as excuses. Life is beginning to look a LOT different than it did pre-op. I’ll post more on that later. It’s interesting to me how we define moments as life-changing. Life before this event and life after this …
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