I have fallen woefully behind in posting updates to this blog. I’m happy to report it’s for the most excellent of reasons. Shortly after I posted last, I was contacted by a recruiter about a job with a large local hospital network. It took a while to get through the rounds of interviews, get and …
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Do the Cha-Cha
It seems like every time I think I’m starting to make real forward progress, something sets me back. I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was pretty sure my rheumatoid disease was not, in fact, in remission as Dr. B seemed to think. My joint pain had been steadily escalating since spring, with some …
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Walking on the beach
A few weeks ago I got to take a week long business trip to Irvine, California. I took advantage of the opportunity to go out to the beach a couple of evenings I was there, and walk in the sand. I lived about a year and a half in Hawaii when I was a child, …
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