I’ve been trying to write this post for a couple of weeks. My thoughts and feelings balked at being committed to paper. I think I’ve worked through it enough to write now, so we’ll see… First, I read an article on Migraine.com (https://migraine.com/expert/fighting-for-migraine-with-words/) by Dr. William B. Young about how the words we use affect …
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Keepin’ on keepin’ on
It’s been a while since I posted. #gradSchoolSucks and all that. I have been struggling with a lot of stuff this month. The “on this day” feature of Facebook has made it clear that October is migraine month for me, and this month was no exception. In fact, my migraine monster decided to go for …
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Do the Cha-Cha
It seems like every time I think I’m starting to make real forward progress, something sets me back. I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was pretty sure my rheumatoid disease was not, in fact, in remission as Dr. B seemed to think. My joint pain had been steadily escalating since spring, with some …
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Spoonie product review – Pill Suite
I hadn’t reviewed the Pill Suite yet because I’d had issues with the bags. I have since gotten replacements and am now THRILLED with this solution for my meds and want to share. As most Spoonies, I have a LOT of medications/supplements I take multiple times a day. I have struggled with the standard pill …
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Brain Fog
One of the symptoms common to many chronic illnesses is “brain fog”. It’s a nebulous thing that doesn’t sound like much until you’re dealing with it. Once you have dealt with it, you realize how debilitating it is, all on its own. Trying to describe it to someone else is probably futile, but here goes. …
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Spoonie Life
Winter is a hard time to be a Spoonie. Well, it is for me, anyway. Here in Texas, the weather is mostly mild, but weather fronts come through every few days and the temperature variances are crazy. Yesterday it was in the high 70s, this morning it was in the low 30s and we’ll have …
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On becoming a spoonie
Christine Miserandino penned a story about how she shared with a friend what living with Lupus was like. (http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory/) This metaphor gives language to the struggles people who live with chronic illness face, and a community of “spoonies” has arisen. I joined the ranks of spoonies last year, and everything about my life has changed. …
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