A not-calm year so far

When I sat down to write my surgiversary update, I realized it had been over six months since my last post. I had planned at the first of the year to start posting updates at least weekly, if not more often. The best laid plans, and all that. Spoonie life makes it hard to juggle …
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Review of 2017

Well, it’s that time of year again. Time to look back and see how the year went, and try to decide what’s important for the upcoming year. 2017 has been a rough one, certainly.  I think the country made a mistake with the election of #45, and I find him to be a complete embarrassment.  …
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Keepin’ on keepin’ on

It’s been a while since I posted. #gradSchoolSucks and all that. I have been struggling with a lot of stuff this month. The “on this day” feature of Facebook has made it clear that October is migraine month for me, and this month was no exception. In fact, my migraine monster decided to go for …
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