Last week, I got an alert that a WordPress update had failed on this blog space. When I went to fix it, I was shocked to see that I hadn’t written anything in almost 3 years. The last life update was when The Mister and I moved 5 years ago, which is poetic since we …
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A not-calm year so far
When I sat down to write my surgiversary update, I realized it had been over six months since my last post. I had planned at the first of the year to start posting updates at least weekly, if not more often. The best laid plans, and all that. Spoonie life makes it hard to juggle …
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I have fallen woefully behind in posting updates to this blog. I’m happy to report it’s for the most excellent of reasons. Shortly after I posted last, I was contacted by a recruiter about a job with a large local hospital network. It took a while to get through the rounds of interviews, get and …
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End of the year rush
I know it’s been weeks since I posted anything on this blog. The end of the year is always a bit of a blur for me, and this year is no different. Mea cupla. Halloween rushes into Thanksgiving, and then there’s a rush of birthdays and anniversaries for me before Yule gets here. Add in …
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Life changes and other musings
Wow. Over a month since I’ve posted anything. I plead life changes, grad school, work, and illness as excuses. Life is beginning to look a LOT different than it did pre-op. I’ll post more on that later. It’s interesting to me how we define moments as life-changing. Life before this event and life after this …
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Imposter Syndrome
As happens around my house, a conversation with my husband about a weird dream I had turned into a deep conversation about “imposter syndrome”. I’ve suffered from this most of my life and am only now starting to have any real confidence in myself professionally. Anyone who knows me has heard tales of the multiple jobs …
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Interviewing is like dating
Dating is a necessary evil when trying to find someone you want to be with the rest of your life. It’s not always awful, sometimes it’s a lot of fun, but mostly it’s stressful and sometimes it’s flat out awful. Interviewing is a lot like that. First there’s all the people who don’t bother to …
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Good enough
I finished the last assignment for my last course of the summer semester in my graduate program. I struggled with letting it go and calling it done, because I knew I could have done better. I’d met most of the requirements for the assignment, a certain number of posts to a discussion group, but hadn’t …
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