A not-calm year so far

When I sat down to write my surgiversary update, I realized it had been over six months since my last post. I had planned at the first of the year to start posting updates at least weekly, if not more often. The best laid plans, and all that. Spoonie life makes it hard to juggle …
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Two Year Surgiversary

Facebook’s On This Day reminded me that today is my 2 year Surgiversary. So much has happened in the last two years. My life hardly resembles that of two years ago, in a good way. Here’s a picture of me also from the general time period before surgery. It isn’t until photos like this show …
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The coffee monkey on my back

I love caffeine. It’s a serious and lasting love I’ve had since I was a teenager. I grew up in a religious denomination that teaches not to defile your temple (body) with drugs like caffeine. It wasn’t a “you’re going to hell” prohibition, but it was certainly discouraged. As a result, I didn’t learn to …
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